16+ Popular Rummy Nose Tetra Tank Mates

There are several fish enthusiasts who are eager to know more about the rummy nose tetra tank mates. However, the rummy nose tetras are fishes that are not able to go along with too many other fishes. You should know that the rummy nose tetra can perform well in a bigger group of individuals but they don’t perform well when teamed up with other fishes.

Among several other rummy nose tetra tank mates, platys and guppies are certainly the two ideal choices for maintaining them together without any trouble. They can even get along perfectly with other species of livebearing fish which makes it simpler to choose the tank mates for rummy nose tetra.

Rummy nose tetra Tank Mates – A look at 16 fellow mates

Rummy nose tetra Tank Mates

Rummy Nose Tetras are tiny schooling fish which means they should be kept along with a group of 6 other fishes. These fishes get a stressed feeling whenever their school gets broken up or disrupted. This is why the best way to keep them happy and healthy is by providing them a favorable environment that permits constant companionship.

In case you keep a single rummy nose tetra, it will most probably remain unhappy and lonely as it won’t be able to set its own territory. Here is a list of 17 fellow tank mates for rummy nose tetras.

Green Neon Tetra

Green neon tetras are non-forceful and dynamic, making them a decent rummy nose tank mate. These fish perform well in schools of at least six people, so furnishing your rummy nose tetras with that much green neon tetra will assist with keeping them blissful!

Green Neon Tetra

Behavior is quiet with other rummy nose tetras. Some initial hostility might happen when they are presented interestingly. This will vanish following a couple of long periods of being in a similar tank together.

Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish are rummy nose tetra tank mates that can live with rummy nose tetras in a fish tank. Corydoras catfish are base-dwelling, tranquil fishes that feed by filtering through sand or mud for food particles from on top of it.

Corydoras Catfish

It is additionally called defensively covered catfish in light of its two columns of hard plates running down the center. Corydoras catfish are little in size and can grow up to four inches long.

Corydoras catfish make incredible rummy nose tetra tank mates since they eat extra food particles from the outer layer of rocks or different beautifications which decreases any rivalry between these fish species.

Pearl Gourami

The Pearl Gourami can be kept with rummy nose tetras. They are viewed as great fish for rummy nose tetra tank mates since the two of them have similar fundamental necessities of clean water and low degrees of action.

Pearl Gourami

One more likeness between these two species is that they don’t need a lot of room so it would check out to hold them together in one little aquarium, or if nothing else inside nearness to one another whenever housed independently because of restricted space.


Hatchetfish can go with rummy nose tetra tank mates.


Hatchetfish are little fish in size and aren’t extremely forceful to different fishes however it’s ideal to keep just a single hatchet fish for every rummy nose tetra tank since they might be harassed by rummy nose tetras which can become bigger than them. Hatchetfish are little in size and they can be tormented by rummy nose tetras.

Cherry Barb

The Cherry Barb is a live-carrier fish and can be kept in the rummy nose tetra tank mates. It likewise has various varieties which are dull red, orange, pink, and yellow.

Cherry Barb

The male will have a lengthy dorsal blade while females don’t have it by any means. They can grow up to three inches long with a life expectancy of a few years.

Cherry Barb is local to the waters where it comes from, which are in Asia and Australia. It lives generally on the base or mid-level profundities close to weeds, plants, and lowered vegetation.

Yoyo Loach

Yoyo loach can be kept with rummy nose tetras. In any case, yoyos are regional and rummy nose tetra may not endure them well in that frame of mind as they become bigger than rummy nose tetra.

Yoyo Loach

Yoyos ought to just be added to a rummy nose tetra’s aquarium after a laid-out hierarchy not entirely settled by all of the other fish living inside it first since they will require something to involve themselves.

Dwarf Gourami

Dwarf Gourami has a place with the group Anabantidae. They are freshwater animal types and can be tracked down in Asia, Africa, Europe, and New Guinea.

Dwarf Gourami

The most widely recognized variety for this fish is orange yet they additionally come in green or gold for certain dark stripes on their body. Predominate Gouramis have lengthened bodies and can grow up to 12 cm long. The male is brighter than the female. They are tough with a serene disposition so they’re great tank mates for rummy nose tetra.

Chili Rasbora

The Rummy nose tetras won’t be too irritated by the Chili rasbora. They can be held together in a tank, however, on the off chance that there is more than one rummy nose tetra, it is ideal to have two rummy nose tetras for every five gallons of water space and one rummy for every ten gallons of water space.

Chili Rasbora

The rummy truly does well with different kinds of fish that additionally appreciate living close to plants, for example, kuhli loaches or child shrimp.

Harlequin Rasbora

The Harlequin Rasbora is a tiny schooling fish that can flourish in the rummy nose tetra tank. They are extremely brilliant and dynamic which makes them wonderful rummy nose tetra tank mates.

Harlequin Rasbora

The Harlequin Rasbora won’t annoy rummy nose tetras as they don’t have a similar water space; rummy nose tetras can’t squeeze into the Harlequin Rasbora’s smallmouth. The rummy nose tetra might feel undermined by this quick-moving fish however they won’t hurt rummy noses straightforwardly.

Zebra Danios

Zebra Danios are extremely famous rummy nose tetra tank mates as they swim in gatherings and won’t eat rummy nose tetras. They likewise develop to be around an inch long, so they make for good swimming buddies without occupying an excessive amount of room.

Zebra Danios

Try not to keep with rummy nose tetra on the off chance that you don’t need them eaten!

Celestial Pearl Danio

A Rummy nose tetra tank mate which isn’t excessively huge and quick. It’s a schooling fish that can be kept in a similar aquarium as rummy nose tetras.

Celestial Pearl Danio

Celestial Pearl Danio has a more modest size than rummy nose tetra and it is more appropriate for tentative individuals who would rather not manage an enormous number of fishes.


Mollies are another fish that rummy noses won’t eat. This is on the grounds that mollies, which can grow up to six creeps long, don’t swim close to the surface and rummy nose tetras favor their food nearer to the water’s edge.


Mollies may likewise get chomped by rummy however it doesn’t occur as frequently so they’re somewhat more secure than zebra danios.


Rummy nose tetra tank mates should exclude Snails. Snails are frequently excessively delayed for rummy nose tets on the grounds that the little fish will eat them before they can get away or conceal them in an opening.


The rummy noses may likewise pick at their shells, and possibly ingest pieces of it as they do as such, which is awful for the two players included.


Shrimps are one of those rummy nose tetra tank mates that can live in a similar aquarium. They have a ton of advantages like they eat extra food, eliminate green growth from plants and tank walls, and give air circulation to rummy nose tetras.


Shrimp additionally benefits from any uneaten fish food which might be drifting around so less waste is going into the water segment or substrate underneath your tank. One thing you ought to look out for while keeping shrimps with rummy nose tetras is illness move since shrimp convey diseases that rummy tetras don’t have the foggiest idea how to ward off.

Diamond Tetra

Diamond tetra is an exceptionally well-known rummy nose tetra tank mate. They are one of the most incredible rummy nose tetra tank mates since they have comparative water temperature prerequisites and inclinations, as well as being quiet and simple to keep.

Diamond Tetra

In any case, rummy noses can be forceful towards different fishes assuming that there is such a large number in a similar space so it’s significant not to pack the tank with these fish, or probably your rummy may bully their new companions out of an area.

This is a typical fish that rummy nose tetra tank mates can go with. The rummy nose tetras are not regional and they will be fine in a similar aquarium as long as their water conditions, temperature, pH levels, and so on are fine.

Cardinal Tetra

The rummy nose tetra tank mates can be kept locally in aquarium with little fish like the cardinal tetra, neon tetras, etc.

Cardinal Tetra

Cardinal Tetras are exceptionally simple to really focus on as long as their water conditions are kept up with appropriately which rummy nose tetras will truly do fine and dandy at keeping up with this.

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